How Often Should You Use A Massage Chair?

(Last Updated On: February 27, 2024)

So, how often should you use a massage chair?

While you can safely use a massage chair anywhere from 1-4 times a week, depending on your needs, it’s not the frequency as much as the length of the massage that is important.

If you have an injury or chronic pain, using a massage chair every second day (so 3-4 times a week), can really help relieve pain and promote healing.

If you suffer from tension or stress, having a massage session 1-3 times a week is more than enough to keep you relaxed and feel good.

Best massage chairs (link) are designed to give you more benefits with shorter, more spaced-out sessions. Using them more often or for longer periods can actually have the opposite effect, causing more harm than good.

Summary: Massage recliners  can safely be used 1-4 times a week, but make sure you’re using them in the right way for your personal needs.

Are Massage Chairs Good for You?

Yes. If used correctly, they may provide health benefits and can really improve the quality of your life, especially if you carry a lot of stress relief, or you’re prone to sports injuries (or you’re an athlete), or you suffer from chronic muscle pain.

Are Chairs Good

The health benefits include:

Having a massage chair at home gives you the freedom to have a massage not only when you feel like you need one, but also at a time that is convenient for you.

Summary: Yes, masssage chairs can be very beneficial, provided that you use them correctly.

What Is The Duration or Time Frame To Use A Massage Chair?

Generally, 15 minutes is enough. The key is not to over-massage – which can lead to muscle tenderness, inflammation, and/or bruising.

Imagine your sore muscles are bruises on ripening fruit (kind of). If you keep pressing the fruit to check if it’s ripe, you’re just going to cause the bruises that are already there to grow. Unlike fruit, your muscles do have the ability to heal, if gently massaged.


A short, gentle massage increases blood flow and relaxes the muscle, aiding in recovery. A long or intense massage can put unnecessary strain on the muscle, increasing the stress it’s holding and even causing injury.

They are designed to give you a relatively deep massage in a specific area, so it follows that it is better to use them for shorter periods of time.

Summary: A 15-minute targeted massage is enough to relieve stress and tension, and promote healing while being short enough to avoid further stress or injury.

How Often Should You Use a Neck Massager?

A good neck massager is meant for short to medium sessions of use. However, this really depends on the fact that the massager that you’re buying should deliver adequate pressure. While too much pressure may irritate the surrounding tissues, you may need to avoid too much friction as it may cause redness. Neck massagers are designed to be used by two hands, however, this may vary from neck massagers to neck massagers. Always consult your doctor before using a neck massager.

What Should You Look Out For in a Neck Massager? A neck massager should be powerful but not too strong. It should also be lightweight and designed to provide a good grip. If it doesn’t provide a good grip, it will not deliver the required pressure and it may lead to cramps in the hand. Many neck massagers offer variable settings that make them very useful. Many are also quite durable and well-made to last for a long and deliver maximum results. Also, it’s necessary to keep in mind that there are many neck massagers available in the market that are priced rather high. So, it’s highly advisable to choose one that is not very expensive.

So Massage Chairs Work

Yes, these work effectively if used correctly. They can be invaluable, especially if you live a fast-paced lifestyle where you don’t always have the time to schedule a massage – massage chairs work after hours and over weekends.

This gives you the option of getting the benefits of a body massage exactly when you need them.

Summary: Provided that you use the massage chair correctly they can work wonders to improve your quality of life.

Can Massage Chairs Hurt You?

My massage is booked for Friday and as I wait for the day to arrive I’m getting butterflies in my stomach. I just don’t know what to expect. My massage therapist told me that it was going to hurt a little but that it will be worth it in the end. What do you think? Am I going to be able to get a good massage without hurting myself? Or do you think that massaging chairs could potentially hurt your back?

My family and I had our Thanksgiving dinner yesterday. It was a low-key, laid-back day with an overwhelming amount of food and desserts. I’m a decent cook but the culinary genius in our family is my sister. Let’s just say my turkey must have been cooked by candlelight after it nearly burnt to a crisp. I think she got the recipe off the internet. I do my family but I really have to work to find a balance between spending time with them and keeping them in the dark about all the things that go wrong in my life. They don’t call them b * tch parts for nothing! For instance, I’ve never told them that my friends all think I’m emotionally unstable. I did it once and it didn’t go over well.

What Are the Disadvantages of a Massage Chair?

Since you’re resting your lower body on your stomach, you will be prone to pain, rashes, and even skin infections, just like the old-time calisthenics exercises. The result of this is that your body will be used to that motion of an irregular pace and posture. You may not even notice this until something goes wrong when you find yourself in a downward spiral curve or your back has sagged in the least.

Massage chairs should be used by people with very bad posture and those who have been known to experience strains and ruptures in their lower back. If these are the people who are planning to buy a massage chairs, please use the next section to know more about the ideal nature of this and how it can be used to enhance your health and quality of life.

How Often Should You Get a Massage in a Massage Chair?

Massage chairs are available in all price ranges and capacities, from low-cost to expensive, so knowing the answer to the question, how often should I get a massage in a massage chair, will depend on your specific needs and your budget. It’s easy to get a massage in a massage chair, and depending on your physical condition and preferences, there are many ways to put together the perfect “massage” for you. Every massage chair is different because every person is different. However, there are seven general types to choose from.

Upfront. These are usually much more expensive. Upfront models are more for pro-styled clients and advanced massage. They typically cost $3,000 or more and have numerous adjustments and settings. Massage-Less Tables. They are like an upright table with a massage function. Also known as a “vigorous massager,” these chairs only provide a shoulder, neck, and upper back massage at a relatively low intensity.

Are Vibrating Massage Chairs Good for You?

Vibrating massage chairs can be beneficial for individuals who experience muscle tension, soreness, or discomfort. Here are some potential benefits of using a vibrating massage chair:

• Muscle relaxation: The soothing vibrations of the massage chair can be used to invigorate your muscles, thereby reducing tension and soreness for a deep sense of relaxation.

• Improved circulation: By stimulating blood flow to the muscles, they can stimulate circulation and encourage rehabilitation and reduce inflammation.

• Reduced stress: Massage therapy is a powerful tool for combating stress and soothing tension, as it releases endorphins that are natural analgesics and mood enhancers.

• Improved sleep: By reducing muscle tension and promoting relaxation, regular massage therapy can significantly improve the quality of your sleep. Not only will you find it easier to fall asleep quickly but also stay asleep longer!

• Pain relief: Through massage therapy, effective relief from pain can be found by decreasing inflammation and encouraging relaxation of the strained muscles and tissues.

However, there are some potential risks and drawbacks to consider when using vibrating massage chairs:

• Bruising and soreness: Vibrating massage chairs can be intense and may lead to bruising, soreness, or uneasiness in some cases.

• Numbness and tingling: Prolonged use of vibrating chairs massage may cause individuals to experience a loss of sensation or prickling in their arms and legs.

Risk of injury: If you are living with any type of chronic health condition, like osteoporosis, using a vibrating massage chair could put your body at risk for further damage. It is essential to speak with your healthcare provider before sitting in one of these chairs if you have medical concerns or worries.

If you are an individual who suffers from muscle tension, soreness or discomfort, a vibrating massage chair may be beneficial for your condition. Nevertheless, safety and caution should always be first priority; speak with a healthcare provider before using the device if any underlying health conditions or worries exist.

Massage Chair vs. Massage Therapist

Massage chairs and therapists both offer potential benefits for relieving muscle tension and promoting relaxation. Here are some key differences to consider:

Massage Chairs:

Convenience: They offer the convenience of being able to receive a massage in the comfort of your own home, at any time of day or night.

Cost-effective: While they can be expensive upfront, they can save money over time compared to regular visits to a therapist.

Limited customization: While many massage chairs offer multiple settings and options, they may not be able to provide the same level of customization as a massage therapist.

Limited range: Massage chairs may not be able to provide the same range of techniques and pressure as a therapist, which can limit their effectiveness for some individuals.

Massage Therapists:

• Personalized approach: A massage therapist can tailor the massage to the individual’s specific needs, focusing on areas of tension and using techniques that are most effective for that individual.

• Greater range of techniques: A massage therapist has a greater range of techniques and pressure levels available, which can be beneficial for individuals with specific needs or preferences.

• Human touch: The human touch provided by a massage therapist can provide a greater sense of relaxation and connection compared to a massage chair.

• More expensive: Regular visits to a massage therapist can be expensive over time, especially compared to the upfront cost of a massage chair.

Ultimately, the choice between a massage chair and a massage therapist will depend on individual preferences and needs. For individuals who value convenience and cost-effectiveness, a massage chair may be a good option. For those who prioritize a personalized approach and a greater range of techniques, a massage therapist may be the better choice.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Doctors Recommend Massage Chairs?

Doctors often recommend massage chairs as part of a holistic approach to managing certain health conditions and promoting overall well-being. These recommendations are based on scientific evidence and the potential therapeutic benefits that massage chairs offer.

One of the primary reasons doctors may recommend massage chairs is for the relief of musculoskeletal pain and tension. Regular use of massage chairs can help alleviate discomfort associated with conditions like chronic back pain, neck pain, and muscle tightness. Scientific studies have shown that massage therapy, including the type delivered by massage chairs, can increase blood flow to the affected areas, reduce muscle stiffness, and release endorphins, which are natural pain relievers. This not only helps in pain management but also enhances the patient’s quality of life.

Furthermore, massage chairs are often suggested for individuals dealing with stress and anxiety. Stress has a profound impact on one’s physical and mental health, and massage can be an effective stress-reduction tool. Scientific research has demonstrated that massages can lower cortisol levels (a stress hormone) and increase the production of serotonin and dopamine, which are neurotransmitters associated with relaxation and improved mood. By reducing stress, massage chairs may contribute to better mental health and a reduced risk of stress-related illnesses.

How Many Times Should You Use a Massage Chair?

The frequency with which you should use a massage chair depends on various factors, including your individual needs, goals, and any underlying health conditions. There is no one-size-fits-all answer, but I can provide some general guidelines to help you determine an appropriate frequency for using a massage chair.

  1. As Needed for Pain Relief: If you are using a massage chair primarily for pain relief or to address specific musculoskeletal issues, the frequency may vary. In acute situations, you might use the chair daily or several times a day to alleviate discomfort. However, once the pain subsides or becomes more manageable, you can reduce the frequency to a few times a week or as needed.
  2. Stress and Relaxation: If your goal is stress reduction and relaxation, using a massage chair a few times a week can be beneficial. Stress relief can have cumulative benefits, and regular sessions can help maintain a sense of relaxation and well-being. Many people find that incorporating massage chair sessions into their weekly routine, such as after a workout or before bedtime, helps manage stress effectively.
  3. Chronic Conditions: Individuals with chronic conditions like fibromyalgia or arthritis may benefit from using a massage chair more frequently. Daily or every-other-day sessions can help manage ongoing symptoms and improve overall comfort. However, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized recommendations.
  4. Athletic Recovery: Athletes often use massage chairs to aid in muscle recovery. In this case, using the chair immediately after intense workouts or competitions can be effective. Depending on the intensity of your training regimen, you may use the chair several times a week to promote muscle relaxation and reduce soreness.
  5. Preventive Maintenance: Some individuals use massage chairs proactively to prevent muscle tension and improve circulation. In such cases, a few times a week or even once a week can be sufficient to maintain general well-being and prevent the buildup of tension.
  6. Listening to Your Body: Ultimately, the best frequency for using a massage chair is determined by how your body responds. It’s essential to listen to your body and adjust your usage accordingly. If you experience any discomfort or adverse effects, reduce the frequency or consult a healthcare professional.

It’s important to remember that while regular use of a massage chair can offer many benefits, it should not replace other essential aspects of a healthy lifestyle, such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, and proper medical care when needed. Additionally, if you have any underlying health conditions or concerns, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare provider or a licensed massage therapist who can provide personalized guidance on the frequency and duration of massage chair use to ensure it aligns with your specific health goals and needs.

Is it OK to Have a Massage Every Day?

Having a massage every day can have both benefits and drawbacks, depending on various factors such as the individual’s health condition, the type of massage, and the intensity of the massage session. While massages can provide relaxation, pain relief, and improved circulation, excessive massage can lead to overstimulation of muscles and potential tissue damage.

Firstly, it’s essential to consider the type of massage. Gentle massages such as Swedish massage or aromatherapy massage are generally safe for daily sessions as they focus on relaxation and stress reduction. However, deep tissue massages or sports massages, which target deeper layers of muscles, may cause soreness and require longer recovery periods. Overdoing these types of massages can lead to muscle strain or injury.

Moreover, the individual’s health status plays a crucial role. People with certain medical conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis, or cardiovascular issues should consult with a healthcare professional before scheduling daily massages. In some cases, frequent massages can exacerbate underlying health issues or interfere with ongoing treatments.

Additionally, it’s important to listen to your body. If you experience persistent soreness, fatigue, or discomfort after daily massages, it may be a sign that you’re overdoing it. Giving your muscles adequate time to rest and recover is essential for preventing injuries and maintaining overall well-being.

In conclusion, while occasional massages can be beneficial for relaxation and muscle relief, having a massage every day may not be suitable for everyone. It’s essential to consider factors such as the type of massage, individual health status, and listening to your body’s signals to determine the appropriate frequency of massage sessions. Consulting with a healthcare professional or licensed massage therapist can provide personalized guidance based on your specific needs and circumstances.

Are Massage Chairs Safe?

It depends. If you put the intensity all the way up and sit in it all day as it hacks at your already tender muscles, then no, it won’t be safe.

Are they Safe?

If used responsibly, massage chairs are more than safe; they’re actually healthy.

This means not pushing your body too far. Keep massages short and soft, especially if you’re feeling tender already. Also, don’t use them too often.

Just like exercise, less is more. Your muscles need time to repair themselves. If you push them too hard, they’re going to go into protective mode, which equates to pain and inflammation. If you go way too far, bruising and muscle tears/injury are a very real possibility.

Summary: When used responsibly they are safe and healthy. If used incorrectly massage chairs cause more harm than good.